Purificando mi curason…

brasa mi cu bo halanan di amor…
purificando asina mi curason…

heartsUn instrumento pa cosnan bon,
esey ta loke mi kier ta,
pero mi sa cu mi curason tin simianan,
di condicionamento humano…

den silencio pues mi ta pidi…
na mi ser di ser…
pa para den porta eynan…
papia cu mi…
pa mi haja mi puresa atrobe…
brasa mi cu bo halanan di amor…
purificando asina mi curason…
pa asina mi por ta atrobe…
e esencia di ken un dia den paraiso mi tabata…
resusitando asina un suspiro a la ves…

april 8, 2012

Ban resusita den amor

E mensahe di tur tempo ta un mensahe di amor… Ke hubo, ban ta balente… Ban resusita den amor!!!

resurrecting in lovePasco di Resureccion… periodo di refleccion… pakico e jiu di Dios a scoge pa muri na crus?
Kico e kier a bisa nos di berdad? Tin ora mi ta pensa cu e mester kier a duna e hendenan di su tempo un mensahe di amor. Hesus tabata biba den un periodo cu nan tabata mata muchanan chikito riba orden di e mandatarionan. Mescos cu nan tabata mata criminalnan riba crus…

Y awendia, con nos ta para? Ainda ta mata jen di hende den guera rond di mundo riba orden di mandatarionan. Hendenan ta tira otro mata sin motibo algun den diferente paisnan. Kico ta e ehempelnan cu ta pone hende actua asina contra su prohimo?

Nos ta bibando den un mundo cu 10% ta donjo di 90% di e rikesanan. Hendenan ta muri di hamber den un parti di mundo, tanten otronan ta gasta nan placa na luho exorbitante of placernan cu ta corumpi otro ser humano.

Tin ora mi ta puntra mi mes, kico a bay robes cu humanidad. Unda nos a bira e victima di nos propio crecemento sin limite?
Con nos por draai cos bek? Dios lo duna nos un chens pa draai cos bek? Nos ‘kier’ draai cos bek of nos ta keda baila riba e barco di bida te dia e sink mescos cu Titanic?

Podise nos cada un por pensa con nos por resusita, cada un di nos den nos propio grandesa?
Si nos ta traha na imagen di Dios, ya caba nos ta bibando den amor y bendicion, toch? Y awor si nos desvia pa cualkier motibo, podise Pasco di Resureccion por inspira nos pa cada un di nos resusita, no for di morto fisico manera Hesus, pero den e mensahe cu e la laga atras pa mundo.

E mensahe di tur tempo ta un mensahe di amor… Ke hubo, ban ta balente… Ban resusita den amor!!! Abo ta cu cla???…

Ashaira Holistic Centre cu lesnan di Karin Krügel pa bo crecemento spiritual

Anja 2012, e anja di cambio pa humanidad. Shelo tin hopi asistencia cu nan kier duna nos. Nos tin cu sinja conecta y habri pa ricibi. Pero mas cu tur cos, sinja pidi y respeta….

divine power

Please be informed on Karin Krügel’s follow-up lessons, which will take place according to the next schedule:

• 3rd of April: Man made in Gods image, Thought-forms, Character development, the purpose of Life, the Ultimate Destiny of Man
• 10th of April: The principle of Spirit, Spirit and the Principle of Gender, Reincarnation, Life and Death, Karma, Dharma
• 17th of April: The Unseen Reality of Angels, Guardian Angels, Angels of Healing, Examples of conscious co-operation with the realm of Angels
• 24th of April: The unseen Reality of Nature Spirits, the Four Elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire, Man’s connection with the Elements of Nature, Conscious co-operation with the realm of Nature Spirits
• 2nd of May: Love: the Force!, Man’s super-sensory Powers, the Existence of a Path of Hastened Attainment, the Great Teachers of Wisdom and the existence of perfected man, the Power of Unity and Oneness of all Life, World Spirituality

Location: Layex building room 117.
Time: 7.30 to 9pm

We inform you that there is a fee involved in these lessons: fl. 100,– for the total of these five lessons. This is to help cover the expenses of the rent and beverages.

These follow-up lessons are open to those who have followed the two introductory lessons “Who am I” and “The Law of Cause and Effect”, either in October last year or in January this year. If you have been present at only one of the intro lessons and have a keen interest in the follow-up lessons, you are welcome to join. The same counts for those who through spiritual work or studies have an affinity to the subjects presented. The idea is to partake in all five lessons.
If you would like to participate please register with Thea van der Kuyp.

E-mail: ashairahc@gmail.com
Tel: 585 3759
Cel: 567 1086